Condition and length-weight relationship of Dentex gibbosus from Adriatic Sea, Croatia

Grubišić L., Šegvić T., Skakelja N., Tičina V., Katavić I.

Date de parution: décembre 2008
Volume: 32
Number: 4
Pagination: 335-338

How to cite: Grubišić, L., Šegvić, T., Skakelja, N., Tičina, V., & Katavić, I. (2008). Condition and length-weight relationship of Dentex gibbosus from Adriatic Sea, Croatia. Cybium, 32(4): 335-338.


The aim of this study was to determine the condition and length-weight relationship of the pink dentex Dentex gibbosus (Rafinesque, 1810). The research was conducted in the Adriatic Sea from May 1997 to November 2000. A total of 1186 specimens (7.00-105.70 cm TL) were collected with traditional fishing gears. Positive allometric growth was recorded for the total sampled population (b = 3.0943) and for males (b = 3.1759), while our findings indicate isometric growth for females (b = 3.0272) and immature (b = 3.00) specimens. Fullton’s condition factor (K) was calculated, indicating the highest values in mature specimens of both sexes. K values were significantly different between sexes. These results could be useful for fishery managers, because this species is economically valuable.

Mots-clés: adriatic Sea - Condition - Dentex gibbosus - Length-weight relationship - MED - Sparidae
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