Variations of the chemical composition of five coastal catch fish species of the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia)

Ketata Khitouni I., Abdelmouleh A., Bouain A., Boudhrioua Mihoubi N.

Date de parution: juin 2010
Volume: 34
Number: 2
Pagination: 175-183

How to cite: Ketata Khitouni, I., Abdelmouleh, A., Bouain, A., & Boudhrioua Mihoubi, N. (2010). Variations of the chemical composition of five coastal catch fish species of the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia). Cybium, 34(2): 175-183.


The aim of this work is to study the variation of the global chemical composition of five fish species of the coastal catch from the Gulf of Gabès: Diplodus annularis (L., 1758), Zosterisessor ophiocephalus (P., 1811), Liza aurata (R., 1810), Caranx rhonchus (G., 1817) and Boops boops (L., 1758). The moisture, protein, fat and ash content variations according to sex, size, organs and meat parts of the muscle were examined. The muscle meat parts composition shows large variation between these species namely as regards moisture and fat contents. Fat content decreases from head to tail. The fish species and the position in fish body are the main factors explaining the variability of the muscle moisture content. Negative correlations between fat and moisture contents were observed in all species. The discriminant analysis of moisture, proteins, fat and ash contents measured in the muscles allowed the distinction of different fish groups according to their global chemical compositions.

Mots-clés: Boops boops - Caranx rhonchus - Chemical composition - Coastal catch fish - Diplodus annularis - Liza aurata - MED - Muscle - Sex - Size - Tunisia - Zosterisessor ophiocephalus
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